Has Sunil Grovr left Kapil Sharma’s Sho on Sony? The speculation has been rife that Sunil has walked out of the show after Kapil Sharma’s misbehaviour with him while aboard a flight from Melbourne. When Kapil Sharma posted a long clarification on Facebook on Monday about his fight with Sunil Grover and later apologised on Twitter as well, fans assumed the co-stars will have a patch-up. However, with Sunil skipping the Monday night shoot of The Kapil Sharma Show and even lambasting Kapil this morning on Twitter, it seems the reports of him leaving the comedy show are indeed true.
“No… I will talk to him and will let you know.” Bha ji! Yes, You hurt me deeply. Working with you has been a learning experience. Just one advice start respecting human beings also apart from animals.
All are not as successful as you are. All are not as talented as you are. But if they all are talented like you, who will value you. So, have some gratitude towards their existence. And also, If someone is correcting you, don’t abuse that person. Refrain from using foul language In front of women who had nothing to do with the stardom you carry, they are by chance just travelling with you. Thanks for making me realise it was your show and you have power to throw out anybody, anytime. You are the wittiest, and the best in your field. But don’t act like a ‘God’. Take good care of yourself. Wish you lot more success and fame.”
Now let us see what happens to our beloved TV show. Comment your thoughts down below.
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