Hola... In this post, I'm going to create a very first Android App with "hello! World." in the display. No coding background needed. Let us start by stating.
1) Install Android Studio.
Go to this link and install https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html
2) Launch Android Studio.
2.1.) Select Start a new android project.
2.2.) Enter Your Desired App name!
2.3.) Select minimum SDK you want to target on. Note:- Lower the SDK, More device it will support.
2.4.) Select your Activity Layout.
I am using Empty Layout.
2.5.) Now name your activity and layout.
(For the first time. Just let it as it is.)
You have created your very own first android app. You can run this app in your android mobile or emulator provided with Android Studio.
Source Code:- https://github.com/xabhi7549/DemoApp
If you have any problem. Just leave it in the comments below.
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